
Fresno Manufacturing Jobs We Are Always Seeking Excellent Candidates For:

\r\nFor our executive and C-suite level searches, we’re are currently seeking VPs of Engineering, VPs of Operations, Chief Operations Officers, Chief Financial Officers, in addition to many more in the Fresno area.\r\n\r\nFor our intermediate and mid-level searches, we are searching for Maintenance Managers, Directors of Manufacturing, Directors of Operations, Plant Managers, and many more positions within the Fresno area.\r\n\r\nJMJ Phillip has remained devoted to manufacturing throughout good times and bad, from food production to fabrication. Our firm knows the industry and knows how to find the best manufacturing professionals in the Fresno area.\r\n\r\nIn order to stay in contact and in consideration for future job openings, submit your resume for our manufacturing recruiters and manufacturing executive search consultants to review and keep on file. Beneath are a few of the most common jobs we search for within Fresno and throughout the country.\r\n

Manufacturing Jobs Fresno  

Fresno Manufacturing Jobs Ideal Education and Experiences Accepted:
\r\n\r\nThis is a posting for current and future openings that we may have for manufacturing jobs for our clients in Fresno and around North America. Feel free to upload your resume.","datePosted":"2016-04-25T06:49:44","validThrough":null,"employmentType":null,"industry":null,"qualifications":null,"responsibilities":null,"skills":null,"workHours":null,"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"JMJ Phillip","sameAs":"https://jmjphillip.com"},"jobLocationType":null,"applicantLocationRequirements":[{"@type":"Country","name":""}]}