As the war on talent continues and likely won’t slow down until in the late 2020’s, the topic of discussion comes to program hiring. Program hiring is the practice where you bring on top tier talent and you let them get their hands on a few projects to see where they will fit in. Have you ever came across an amazing candidate that you didn’t have a position for but you hired them anyway as you wanted them on the team? Welcome to program hiring, but it does have positives and pitfalls.
“Dennis Theodorou, the Detroit-based vice president of executive search firm JMJ Phillip Group, agrees. “There need to be guidelines and expectations set at the very beginning.” He recalls a program hire with an MBA from a top college who had consulting experience. The employee “did some really great things” but had a few ideas that were a bit unorthodox. His company, not wanting to suppress the worker’s enthusiasm, let the worker implement some of the ideas, but “it was a struggle on our end managing that.”
“It’s kind of a test process when you hire people like that,” said Theodorou. “It’s important that they have a passion for their work.”
To read the full story visit JMJ on the War On Talent